FOCUS stands for "Fellowship of Overseas Christian University Students". We are the international student group which works with Uni Bible Group at the University of Wollongong.
We aim to know Christ better and make him known through the Bible. We do this in simple english so that anyone can come and understand more about Jesus. Those who trust in Jesus as their King and Saviour are saved from God's after-death punishment which all people deserve. That's why we want to tell people about him.
If you’d like to know more about trusting Jesus, or would like to read the Bible with someone, please email us ( You can find out more about what Christians believe here. Information about our meetings is below:
FOCUS Main meeting
FOCUS’s main meeting is held every Thursday night during semester from 6:30pm for dinner and from 7:15pm for our Bible talk. We often meet in Building 24, room G01. If the location changes, we will post this information on the Facebook page.
Each week, we hear a bible talk from different parts of the Bible in easy English. The talks help us to understand what the bible says and see why it is still important today. At FOCUS, we love the Bible, and try to let it speak for itself, instead of bringing our own ideas to it. After the talk we have a question and answer time, where we can ask questions about the talk. We also sing and pray together.
You don’t have to be a member of FOCUS or a Christian to come along. We welcome people from all countries and all backgrounds! Anyone can come. If you would like someone to be there to welcome you, please contact us by emailing
All our meetings are free. The yummy dinner we share together costs $2 from each student. We hope to see you there!
Bible study groups
As well as our larger main meeting, FOCUS also runs smaller Bible study groups. These are in English and some other languages. We read the Bible together to help us know, love and serve Jesus better.
Easy English Bible Study: Meet Jesus in a small Easy English Bible Study! Thursdays 10:30-11:30am starting 01/08/2024 in the Multifaith room (Building 11). Please email Bri and Croz at
Chinese Mandarin Bible Study: Every Tuesday 7pm at UOW, Building 24, room 105. We will start on the 27th February 2024. Starting back 30/07/24 for Semester 2. If you want to know more, please email Matthew ( for more information.
Indonesian Bible Study: Every second Sunday during semester from 1:00pm-3:00pm starting 28/07/24 for Semester 2. We meet in Building 8, room G025. If you want to know more, please email Matthew ( for more information.
Japanese Bible Study: Fridays 2:30pm in the UOW Library. Starting from 02/08/2024. Please email Matthew ( for more information.
Introduction to Christianity: This course explains what Christians believe and who Jesus is. If you want to know more, please email for more information.
Cantonese Bible Study Group: Wednesday 5-6:30pm, Building 24 foyer. We will have a light dinner, Bible study and prayer and fellowship time. We welcome all Cantonese speaking UOW students (current and ex-students) and those who would like to study the Bible with us. Contact: Eddie Yam, Irwan Lee
大學國際學生基督徒團契(FOCUS) - 廣東話查經班小組聚會時間:下午 6點 到 7點45分日期:每月第二和第四個星期一聚會內容:包括一個簡單的晚餐,查經,禱告和團契的時間我們歡迎所有講廣東話的學生(現在就讀和讀完的)來參加。我們也同樣歡迎有興趣參加我們查經班的人。
FOCUS also runs fun activities throughout the year, often with some of our Australian friends from Uni Bible Group. Times change from semester to semester, so please come along to our main meeting on Thursday nights (6:30pm in 24.G01) or to one of our Bible study groups to find out more.
More information about FOCUS
We’re affiliated with AFES, the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students as well as the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), and function as a club on UOW’s main Wollongong campus. If you want to know more about what we believe at FOCUS, please email us at